Thursday, February 01, 2007

My heart is ushered into transparent beauty and awe when I look into their eyes and touch their hands, truly listening to the voice within each one which speaks volumes of mercy, divinity and pain.

I wish I could somehow explain what it feels like to experience the touch of ones callous, dry hands to the breathing flesh which designs my face... a synergistic pulse between two people - restored. A united understanding resurrected. A trust which can only be communicated through the willingness and desire to become one with each other... to search out the light and life of God in each others soft tissues... to be willing to look beyond missing legs, dirty hair, clothes speckled with holes, voices with an auditory wave... between the labored gasps of painful longing memories and the steady breath of accepted loss, he touches my face, his fingers move through my hair, our lips culing upward with delight... we are becoming one. We receive life from one another... we are able to love from the energy transfered between our no longer foreign eyes...

For the first time in my life, I don't struggle here. I don't feel as though I am compromising that which I feel God has asked me to do and be. I feel as though I am free to look forward with hope and excitement. These men, women, and children are my family. Greeted each morning as their sister, they have become my brothers and sisters. It would be faulty of me to not speak of the hardships which occur here on a daily basis. But for some reason, they don't hold as much weight here as I have experienced in the past. What matters here is that synergistic pulse... the pulse which speaks love, acceptance, and truth of heaven on earth.

Thank you for being willing to come alongside us and experience this pulse of life with us... we are so grateful.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for being you, Jessica, a loving servant of Christ!

Love ya bunches,


Anonymous said...

It's beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jake and Jessica! Your thoughts and pictures are encouraging many of us. We have shared your site with many and almost someone new each day.

God Bless!
Indian Lake Papa