although varying on the chilly side as the wind picks up speed & another storm front moves in, this morning we brewed some fancy coffee (thanks to Mary & Allison) and found ourselves on the front porch enjoying the blooming flowers, waiting for a friend to come over to borrow Jake's motorcycle helmet & talk with Loni as she heads off to work at McDonalds. which reminds me of the amazing cactus, onion hash browns that we had this morning for breakfast... yum.
so i've found myself breaching into the "blog realm" of sharing, experiencing, learning and enjoying. often times finding myself entangled within a web of lovely & creative women. every once in awhile someone will hold a drawing, comments are left to be placed in the drawing which is often times conducted by the children within the home. the one chosen from the drawing will in turn receive a gift.
i have never entered into any of these drawing. until now. i've been keeping up with carolyn for some time, her jewelry is stunning & her stories so enjoyable. a couple weeks back she posted a drawing & i couldn't help myself but enter. & we won! who knew! we never win anything... this thursday we received a most delightful & surprising gift.
with those treats in mind: we're going to hold our own little drawing. leave a message & we'll throw all comments in a basket & announce the winners wednesday evening. does anyone read this thing anymore?
Pick me! Pick me!
i think Jessica Marie Rozga has the most beautiful ears in the world.
Cool guys - I wish we had something like that near here. The watermelon looks delicious.
I really like you two, and can't wait to see you!
i saw a mango the other day, and it was just really desirous of being in my mouth. but it wasn't my mango, so it didn't get there, sadly.
yes, we definitely read this thing
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