i uploaded (or is it downloaded) the following photos (everyone loves photos) with hopes of starting to share our lives once again, three weeks ago.
yet, with beautiful weather outside and sweet evenings & weekends with friends and my beloved, remaining on the computer has been the least of priorities. i apologize (i need to know who set this computer's spell check to "london style" - let us embrace the "z" and leave the "s" where it belongs - in strawberries!) as l know this is the way most of us stay attempt to stay connected.
today, with the smell of spring in the air and sweet memories finding a home as the trees blossom and settle my spirit - here are photos of early april and late march. enjoy.
- an afternoon nap in the park -
- OD on simply sinful Easter treats from mom, dad & neighbors -
- Easter dinner with friends at WPG -
- my precious (and longest known) friend Amber & i -
- an early spring day of work on our city transportation -
- for spring break I headed down to kansas city to spend some time with my sisters, parents (who were visiting as well), niece and closest friend. i love this picture of Allison and this classic face of hers (most likely in the middle of saying, "Jessica, that's ridiculous.") -
- Jen & i at jerusalem cafe -
- we also spent one weekend visiting with Jake's parents, grandma and the woods. I can only dream of how green the woods are today..." -